Source code for dnaMD.dnaEY

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of do_x3dna
# Author: Rajendra Kumar
# Copyright (C) 2014-2018  Rajendra Kumar
# do_x3dna uses 3DNA package (
# Please cite the original publication of the 3DNA package:
# Xiang-Jun Lu & Wilma K. Olson (2003)
# 3DNA: a software package for the analysis, rebuilding and visualization of
# three-dimensional nucleic acid structures
# Nucleic Acids Res. 31(17), 5108-21.
# do_x3dna is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# do_x3dna is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with do_x3dna.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict

from . import dnaMD

def matrixToVector(matrix):
    matrix = np.asarray(matrix)
    length = matrix.shape[0]
    vector = np.diagonal(matrix, offset=0)
    for i in range(1, length):
        vector = np.hstack((vector, np.diagonal(matrix, offset=i)))
    return vector

local_props_matrix = [
    ['shift',       'shift-slide', 'shift-rise', 'shift-tilt', 'shift-roll', 'shift-twist'],
    ['shift-slide', 'slide',       'slide-rise', 'slide-tilt', 'slide-roll', 'slide-twist'],
    ['shift-rise',  'slide-rise',  'rise',       'rise-tilt',  'rise-roll',  'rise-twist' ],
    ['shift-tilt',  'slide-tilt',  'rise-tilt',  'tilt',       'tilt-roll',  'tilt-twist' ],
    ['shift-roll',  'slide-roll',  'rise-roll',  'tilt-roll',  'roll',       'roll-twist' ],
    ['shift-twist', 'slide-twist', 'rise-twist', 'tilt-twist', 'roll-twist', 'twist'      ]

helical_local_props_matrix = [
    ['x-disp',         'x-disp-y-disp',  'x-disp-h-rise',  'x-disp-incl',  'x-disp-tip',  'x-disp-h-twist'],
    ['x-disp-y-disp',  'y-disp',         'y-disp-h-rise',  'y-disp-incl',  'y-disp-tip',  'y-disp-h-twist'],
    ['x-disp-h-rise',  'y-disp-h-rise',  'h-rise',         'h-rise-incl',  'h-rise-tip',  'h-rise-h-twist'],
    ['x-disp-incl',    'y-disp-incl',    'h-rise-incl',    'incl',         'incl-tip',    'incl-h-twist'  ],
    ['x-disp-tip',     'y-disp-tip',     'h-rise-tip',     'incl-tip',     'tip',         'tip-h-twist'   ],
    ['x-disp-h-twist', 'y-disp-h-twist', 'h-rise-h-twist', 'incl-h-twist', 'tip-h-twist', 'h-twist'       ]

local_props_vector = matrixToVector(local_props_matrix)
helical_local_props_vector = matrixToVector(helical_local_props_matrix)

def matrixToVector(matrix):
    matrix = np.asarray(matrix)
    length = matrix.shape[0]
    vector = np.diagonal(matrix, offset=0)
    for i in range(1, length):
        vector = np.hstack((vector, np.diagonal(matrix, offset=i)))
    return vector

[docs] class dnaEY: """ Elastic Properties Class to calculate elasticity and deformation free energy **To initialize this class:** :: dna = dnaEY(60, 'BST', filename='dna.h5') # 60 is the number of basepairs This class also contains several methods (functions) that are discussed in following sections. Parameters --------- num_bp : int Number of base-pairs in DNA esType : str Elastic Properties type: ``'BST'`` or ``'ST'`` (1) ``'BST'``: Bending-Stretching-Twisting --- All motions are considered (2) ``'ST'`` : Stretching-Twisting --- Bending motions are ignored. .. warning:: For accurate calculation of bending motions, DNA structures in trajectory must be superimposed on a reference structure (**See Publication's Method Section**). filename : str HDF5 (.h5) file containing DNA data. In case of ``esType='BST'``, it must contains coordinate of global helical axis (done by :meth:`dnaMD.generate_smooth_axis` or 'dnaMD axisCurv'). startBP : int Number ID of first basepair. Attributes ---------- num_bp : int Number of base-pairs in DNA esType : str Elastic Properties type: ``'BST'`` or ``'ST'`` (1) ``'BST'``: Bending-Stretching-Twisting --- All motions are considered (2) ``'ST'`` : Stretching-Twisting --- Bending motions are ignored. .. warning:: For accurate calculation of bending motions, DNA structures in trajectory must be superimposed on a reference structure (**See Publication's Method Section**). filename : str HDF5 (.h5) file containing DNA data. In case of ``esType='BST'``, it must contains coordinate of global helical axis (done by :meth:`dnaMD.generate_smooth_axis` or ``dnaMD axisCurv``). startBP : int Number ID of first basepair. esMatrix : dict Dictionary of Elastic Matrices. When a combination of new DNA segment and Trajectory segment is given, its Elastic Matrix is calculated and stored in this dictionary. It reduces time, when same DNA segment and Trajectory segment is given to calculate elastic properties. .. note:: This and :attr:`dnaEY.minimumPoint` dictionary can be saved as a json file for later use. minimumPoint : dict Dictionary of minimum points on energy landscape. The dictionary keywords are similar to that of :attr:`dnaEY.esMatrix`. It is generated to speed up the calculation. It contains minimum (average) points for the motions. It is used in the calculation of deformation free energy. .. note:: This and :attr:`dnaEY.esMatrix` dictionary can be saved as a json file for later use. """ def __init__(self, num_bp, esType='ST', filename=None, startBP=1): """Initialize Elastic Properties class """ self.dna = dnaMD.DNA(num_bp, filename=filename, startBP=startBP) if esType not in ['BST', 'ST']: raise ValueError('Accepted keywords are BST and ST !!!') self.esType = esType self.esMatrix = dict() # bp[0]-bp[1]-frame[0]-frame[1] self.minimumPoint = dict() # bp[0]-bp[1]-frame[0]-frame[1] self.enGlobalTypes = ['full', 'diag', 'stretch', 'twist', 'st_coupling', 'b1', 'b2', 'bend', 'bs_coupling', 'bt_coupling', 'bb_coupling', 'st', 'bs', 'bt', ] self.enLocalTypes = ['full', 'diag', 'shift', 'slide', 'rise', 'tilt', 'roll', 'twist', 'x-disp', 'y-disp', 'h-rise', 'inclination', 'tip', 'h-twist' ] def getElasticMatrix(self, inputArray): inputArray = np.array( inputArray ) # Calculation of covariance matrix CovMat = np.cov(inputArray, bias=True) # Change to a matrix object CovMat = np.matrix(CovMat) # Inverse of the covariance matrix InvCovMat = CovMat.I return np.asarray(InvCovMat) def _validateFrames(self, frames): if frames is None: frames = [0, -1] else: if (len(frames) != 2): raise ValueError("frames should be a list containing lower and higher limit. See, documentation!!!") if frames[1] != -1 and frames[0] > frames[1]: raise ValueError("frames should be a list containing lower and higher limit. See, documentation!!!") if frames[1] != -1: frames = [frames[0], frames[1]+1] return frames
[docs] def extractGlobalParameters(self, dna, bp, frames=None, paxis='Z', masked=False): """Extract the parameters for calculations .. currentmodule:: dnaMD Parameters ---------- dna : :class:`dnaMD.DNA` Input :class:`dnaMD.DNA` instance. bp : list List of two base-steps forming the DNA segment. For example: with ``bp=[5, 50]``, 5-50 base-step segment will be considered. frames : list List of two trajectory frames between which parameters will be extracted. It can be used to select portions of the trajectory. For example, with ``frames=[100, 1000]``, 100th to 1000th frame of the trajectory will be considered. paxis : str Axis parallel to global helical-axis(``'X'``, or ``'Y'`` or ``'Z'``). Only require when bending motions are included in the calculation. masked : bool ``Default=False``. To skip specific frames/snapshots. ``DNA.mask`` array should be set to use this functionality. This array contains boolean (either ``True`` or ``False``) value for each frame to mask the frames. Presently, mask array is automatically generated during :meth:`dnaMD.DNA.generate_smooth_axis` to skip those frames where 3D fitting curve was not successful within the given criteria. Returns ------- time : numpy.ndarray 1D numpy array of shape (nframes) containing time array : numpy.ndarray 2D numpy array of shape (parameters count, nframes) containing extracted parameters. """ frames = self._validateFrames(frames) if frames[1] == -1: frames[1] = None if (len(bp) != 2): raise ValueError("bp should be a list containing first and last bp of a segment. See, documentation!!!") if bp[0] > bp[1]: raise ValueError("bp should be a list containing first and last bp of a segment. See, documentation!!!") time, clen = dna.time_vs_parameter('h-rise', bp=bp, merge=True, merge_method='sum', masked=masked) clen = np.asarray(clen) * 0.1 # conversion to nm time, htwist = dna.time_vs_parameter('h-twist', bp=bp, merge=True, merge_method='sum', masked=masked) htwist = np.deg2rad(htwist) # Conversion to radian angleOne, angleTwo = None, None if self.esType=='BST': angleOne, angleTwo = dna.calculate_2D_angles_bw_tangents(paxis, bp, masked=masked) # Rarely there are nan during angle calculation, remove those nan nanInOne = np.isnan(angleOne[frames[0]:frames[1]]) nanInTwo = np.isnan(angleTwo[frames[0]:frames[1]]) notNan = ~(nanInOne + nanInTwo) notNanIdx = np.nonzero(notNan) array = np.array([angleOne[frames[0]:frames[1]][notNanIdx], angleTwo[frames[0]:frames[1]][notNanIdx], clen[frames[0]:frames[1]][notNanIdx], htwist[frames[0]:frames[1]][notNanIdx]]) time = (time[frames[0]:frames[1]])[notNanIdx] else: array = np.array([clen[frames[0]:frames[1]], htwist[frames[0]:frames[1]]]) time = time[frames[0]:frames[1]] return time, array
[docs] def extractLocalParameters(self, dna, bp, helical=False, frames=None): """Extract the local parameters for calculations .. currentmodule:: dnaMD Parameters ---------- dna : :class:`dnaMD.DNA` Input :class:`dnaMD.DNA` instance. bp : list List of two base-steps forming the DNA segment. For example: with ``bp=[5, 50]``, 5-50 base-step segment will be considered. frames : list List of two trajectory frames between which parameters will be extracted. It can be used to select portions of the trajectory. For example, with ``frames=[100, 1000]``, 100th to 1000th frame of the trajectory will be considered. helical : bool If ``helical=True``, helical base-step parameters are extracted. Otherwise, by default, base-step parameters are extracted. Returns ------- time : numpy.ndarray 1D numpy array of shape (nframes) containing time array : numpy.ndarray 2D numpy array of shape (6, nframes) containing extracted parameters. """ frames = self._validateFrames(frames) if frames[1] == -1: frames[1] = None if (len(bp) != 2): raise ValueError("bp should be a list containing first and last bp of a segment. See, documentation!!!") if bp[0] > bp[1]: raise ValueError("bp should be a list containing first and last bp of a segment. See, documentation!!!") if (bp[1] - bp[0]) > 4: print("WARNING: this is a local property and therefore, longer than 4 base-step may not be suitable..." ) if not helical: time, shift = dna.time_vs_parameter('shift', bp=bp, merge=True, merge_method='sum') shift = np.asarray(shift) * 0.1 # conversion to nm time, slide = dna.time_vs_parameter('slide', bp=bp, merge=True, merge_method='sum') slide = np.asarray(slide) * 0.1 # conversion to nm time, rise = dna.time_vs_parameter('rise', bp=bp, merge=True, merge_method='sum') rise = np.asarray(rise) * 0.1 # conversion to nm time, tilt = dna.time_vs_parameter('tilt', bp=bp, merge=True, merge_method='sum') time, roll = dna.time_vs_parameter('roll', bp=bp, merge=True, merge_method='sum') time, twist = dna.time_vs_parameter('twist', bp=bp, merge=True, merge_method='sum') array = np.array([shift[frames[0]:frames[1]], slide[frames[0]:frames[1]], rise[frames[0]:frames[1]], tilt[frames[0]:frames[1]], roll[frames[0]:frames[1]], twist[frames[0]:frames[1]]]) time = time[frames[0]:frames[1]] else: time, x_disp = dna.time_vs_parameter('x-disp', bp=bp, merge=True, merge_method='sum') x_disp = np.asarray(x_disp) * 0.1 # conversion to nm time, y_disp = dna.time_vs_parameter('y-disp', bp=bp, merge=True, merge_method='sum') y_disp = np.asarray(y_disp) * 0.1 # conversion to nm time, h_rise = dna.time_vs_parameter('h-rise', bp=bp, merge=True, merge_method='sum') h_rise = np.asarray(h_rise) * 0.1 # conversion to nm time, inclination = dna.time_vs_parameter('inclination', bp=bp, merge=True, merge_method='sum') time, tip = dna.time_vs_parameter('tip', bp=bp, merge=True, merge_method='sum') time, h_twist = dna.time_vs_parameter('h-twist', bp=bp, merge=True, merge_method='sum') array = np.array([x_disp[frames[0]:frames[1]], y_disp[frames[0]:frames[1]], h_rise[frames[0]:frames[1]], inclination[frames[0]:frames[1]], tip[frames[0]:frames[1]], h_twist[frames[0]:frames[1]]]) time = time[frames[0]:frames[1]] return time, array
[docs] def getStretchTwistBendModulus(self, bp, frames=None, paxis='Z', masked=True, matrix=False): r"""Calculate Bending-Stretching-Twisting matrix It calculate elastic matrix and modulus matrix. .. math:: \text{modulus matrix} = 4.1419464 \times \begin{bmatrix} K_{Bx} & K_{Bx,By} & K_{Bx,S} & K_{Bx,T} \\ K_{Bx,By} & K_{By} & K_{By,S} & K_{By,T} \\ K_{Bx,S} & K_{By,S} & K_{S} & K_{S,T} \\ K_{Bx,T} & K_{Bx,T} & K_{S,T} & K_{T} \end{bmatrix} \times L_0 .. currentmodule:: dnaMD Parameters ---------- bp : list List of two base-steps forming the DNA segment. For example: with ``bp=[5, 50]``, 5-50 base-step segment will be considered. frames : list List of two trajectory frames between which parameters will be extracted. It can be used to select portions of the trajectory. For example, with ``frames=[100, 1000]``, 100th to 1000th frame of the trajectory will be considered. paxis : str Axis parallel to global helical-axis(``'X'``, or ``'Y'`` or ``'Z'``). Only require when bending motions are included in the calculation. masked : bool ``Default=False``. To skip specific frames/snapshots. ``DNA.mask`` array should be set to use this functionality. This array contains boolean (either ``True`` or ``False``) value for each frame to mask the frames. Presently, mask array is automatically generated during :meth:`dnaMD.DNA.generate_smooth_axis` to skip those frames where 3D fitting curve was not successful within the given criteria. matrix : bool If it is ``True``, elastic constant matrix will be returned. Otherwise, by default modulus matrix will be returned. Return ------ mean : numpy.ndarray Value of bending angles, contour length and twist angle (as 1D array) at which energy is zero. Minimum point on free energy landscape. .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} \theta^{x}_0 & \theta^{y}_0 & L_0 & \phi_0 \end{bmatrix} result : numpy.ndarray Either elastic matrix or modulus matrix depending on ``matrix`` value. """ if self.esType == 'ST': raise KeyError(' Use dnaEY.getStretchTwistModulus for Stretching-Twisting modulus.') frames = self._validateFrames(frames) name = '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}'.format(bp[0], bp[1], frames[0], frames[1]) if name not in self.esMatrix: time, array = self.extractGlobalParameters(self.dna, bp, frames=frames, paxis=paxis, masked=masked) mean = np.mean(array, axis=1) esMatrix = np.asarray(self.getElasticMatrix(array)) self.esMatrix[name] = esMatrix self.minimumPoint[name] = mean else: esMatrix = self.esMatrix[name] mean = self.minimumPoint[name] if not matrix: result = 4.1419464 * np.array(esMatrix) * mean[2] # Calculate modulus else: result = esMatrix return mean, result
[docs] def getStretchTwistModulus(self, bp, frames=None, masked=False, matrix=False): r"""Calculate Stretching-Twisting matrix It calculate elastic matrix and modulus matrix. .. math:: \text{modulus matrix} = 4.1419464 \times \begin{bmatrix} K_{S} & K_{S,T} \\ K_{S,T} & K_{T} \end{bmatrix} \times L_0 .. currentmodule:: dnaMD Parameters ---------- bp : list List of two base-steps forming the DNA segment. For example: with ``bp=[5, 50]``, 5-50 base-step segment will be considered. frames : list List of two trajectory frames between which parameters will be extracted. It can be used to select portions of the trajectory. For example, with ``frames=[100, 1000]``, 100th to 1000th frame of the trajectory will be considered. masked : bool ``Default=False``. To skip specific frames/snapshots. ``DNA.mask`` array should be set to use this functionality. This array contains boolean (either ``True`` or ``False``) value for each frame to mask the frames. Presently, mask array is automatically generated during :meth:`dnaMD.DNA.generate_smooth_axis` to skip those frames where 3D fitting curve was not successful within the given criteria. matrix : bool If it is ``True``, elastic constant matrix will be returned. Otherwise, by default modulus matrix will be returned. Return ------ mean : numpy.ndarray Value of bending angles, contour length and twist angle (as 1D array) at which energy is zero. Minimum point on free energy landscape. .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} L_0 & \phi_0 \end{bmatrix} result : numpy.ndarray Either elastic matrix or modulus matrix depending on ``matrix`` value. """ if self.esType == 'BST': raise KeyError(' Use dnaEY.getStretchTwistBendModulus for Bending-Stretching-Twisting modulus.') frames = self._validateFrames(frames) name = '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}'.format(bp[0], bp[1], frames[0], frames[1]) if name not in self.esMatrix: time, array = self.extractGlobalParameters(self.dna, bp, frames=frames, masked=masked) mean = np.mean(array, axis = 1) esMatrix = self.getElasticMatrix(array) self.esMatrix[name] = esMatrix self.minimumPoint[name] = mean else: esMatrix = self.esMatrix[name] mean = self.minimumPoint[name] if not matrix: result = 4.1419464 * np.array(esMatrix) * mean[0] # Calculate modulus else: result = esMatrix return mean, result
[docs] def getModulusByTime(self, bp, frameGap, masked=False, paxis='Z', outFile=None): r"""Calculate moduli as a function of time for convergence check It can be used to obtained elastic moduli as a function of time to check their convergence. .. note:: Elastic properties cannot be calculated using a single frame because fluctuations are required. Therefore, here time means trajectory between zero time to given time. When ``esType='BST'``, following is obtained: 1) bend-1 2) bend-2 3) stretch 4) twist 5) bend-1-bend-2 6) bend-2-stretch 7) stretch-twist 8) bend-1-stretch 9) bend-2-twist 10) bend-1-twist When ``esType='ST'``, following is obtained: 1) stretch 2) twist 3) stretch-twist .. currentmodule:: dnaMD Parameters ---------- bp : list List of two base-steps forming the DNA segment. For example: with ``bp=[5, 50]``, 5-50 base-step segment will be considered. frameGap : int How many frames to skip for next calculation. this option will determine the time-gap between each calculation. Lower the number, slower will be the calculation. masked : bool ``Default=False``. To skip specific frames/snapshots. ``DNA.mask`` array should be set to use this functionality. This array contains boolean (either ``True`` or ``False``) value for each frame to mask the frames. Presently, mask array is automatically generated during :meth:`dnaMD.DNA.generate_smooth_axis` to skip those frames where 3D fitting curve was not successful within the given criteria. paxis : str Axis parallel to global helical-axis(``'X'``, or ``'Y'`` or ``'Z'``). Only require when bending motions are included in the calculation. outFile : str Output file in csv format. Returns ------- time : numpy.ndarray 1D array containing time values of shape (nframes). Elasticities : OrderedDict A ordered dictionary of 1D arrays of shape (nframes). The keys in dictionary are name of the elasticity in the same order as listed above. e.g. ``Elasticities['stretch']`` will give elasticity along stretching as a function of time. """ if self.esType == 'BST': props_name = [ 'bend-1', 'bend-2', 'stretch', 'twist', 'bend-1-bend-2', 'bend-2-stretch', 'stretch-twist', 'bend-1-stretch', 'bend-2-twist', 'bend-1-twist'] else: props_name = ['stretch', 'twist', 'stretch-twist'] time, elasticity = [], OrderedDict() for name in props_name: elasticity[name] = [] length = len(self.dna.time[:]) for i in range(frameGap, length, frameGap): props = None if self.esType == 'BST': mean, modulus_t = self.getStretchTwistBendModulus(bp, frames=[0, i], paxis=paxis, masked=True) else: mean, modulus_t = self.getStretchTwistModulus(bp, frames=[0, i], masked=masked) modulus_t = matrixToVector(modulus_t) for p in range(len(props_name)): elasticity[props_name[p]].append(modulus_t[p]) time.append(self.dna.time[i]) # Write output file if outFile is not None: with open(outFile, 'w') as fout: fout.write('#Time') for name in props_name: fout.write(', {0}'.format(name)) fout.write('\n') for t in range(len(time)): fout.write('{0:.3f}'.format(time[t])) for name in props_name: fout.write(', {0:.5f}'.format(elasticity[name][t])) fout.write('\n') return time, elasticity
[docs] def getGlobalDeformationEnergy(self, bp, complexDna, freeDnaFrames=None, boundDnaFrames=None, paxis='Z', which='all', masked=False, outFile=None): r"""Deformation energy of the input DNA using Global elastic properties It can be used to calculated deformation energy of a input DNA with reference to the DNA present in the current object. The deformation free energy is calculated using elastic matrix as follows .. math:: G = \frac{1}{2L_0}\mathbf{xKx^T} .. math:: \mathbf{x} = \begin{bmatrix} (\theta^{x} - \theta^{x}_0) & (\theta^{y} - \theta^{y}_0) & (L - L_0) & (\phi - \phi_0) \end{bmatrix} .. currentmodule:: dnaMD Parameters ---------- bp : list List of two base-steps forming the DNA segment. For example: with ``bp=[5, 50]``, 5-50 base-step segment will be considered. complexDna : :class:`dnaMD.DNA` Input :class:`dnaMD.DNA` instance for which deformation energy will be calculated. freeDnaFrames : list To select a trajectory segment of current (free) DNA data. List of two trajectory frames between which parameters will be extracted. It can be used to select portions of the trajectory. For example, with ``frames=[100, 1000]``, 100th to 1000th frame of the trajectory will be considered. boundDnaFrames : list To select a trajectory segment of input (bound) DNA data. List of two trajectory frames between which parameters will be extracted. It can be used to select portions of the trajectory. For example, with ``frames=[100, 1000]``, 100th to 1000th frame of the trajectory will be considered. paxis : str Axis parallel to global helical-axis(``'X'``, or ``'Y'`` or ``'Z'``). Only require when bending motions are included in the calculation. which : str or list For which motions, energy should be calculated. It should be either a list containing terms listed below or "all" for all energy terms. Following keywords are available: * ``'full'`` : Use entire elastic matrix -- all motions with their coupling * ``'diag'`` : Use diagonal of elastic matrix -- all motions but no coupling * ``'b1'`` : Only bending-1 motion * ``'b2'`` : Only bending-2 motion * ``'stretch'`` : Only stretching motion * ``'twist'`` : Only Twisting motions * ``'st_coupling'`` : Only stretch-twist coupling motion * ``'bs_coupling'`` : Only Bending and stretching coupling * ``'bt_coupling'`` : Only Bending and Twisting coupling * ``'bb_coupling'`` : Only bending-1 and bending-2 coupling * ``'bend'`` : Both bending motions with their coupling * ``'st'`` : Stretching and twisting motions with their coupling * ``'bs'`` : Bending (b1, b2) and stretching motions with their coupling * ``'bt'`` : Bending (b1, b2) and twisting motions with their coupling masked : bool ``Default=False``. To skip specific frames/snapshots. ``DNA.mask`` array should be set to use this functionality. This array contains boolean (either ``True`` or ``False``) value for each frame to mask the frames. Presently, mask array is automatically generated during :meth:`dnaMD.DNA.generate_smooth_axis` to skip those frames where 3D fitting curve was not successful within the given criteria. outFile : str Output file in csv format. Returns ------- time : numpy.ndarray 1D array containing time values. energy : OrderedDict of numpy.ndarray Dictionary of 1D array of shape (nframes) containing energy terms requested for DNA. """ if self.esType == 'BST': energyTerms = self.enGlobalTypes else: energyTerms = self.enGlobalTypes[:5] if isinstance(which, str): if which != 'all': raise ValueError('Either use "all" or use list of terms from this {0} list \n.'.format(energyTerms)) else: which = energyTerms elif isinstance(which, list): for key in which: if key not in energyTerms: raise ValueError('{0} is not a supported keyword.\n Use from the following list: \n{1}'.format( which, energyTerms)) else: raise ValueError('Either use "all" or use list of terms from this {0} list \n.'.format( energyTerms)) if self.esType == 'BST': means, esMatrix = self.getStretchTwistBendModulus(bp, frames=freeDnaFrames, masked=masked, matrix=True, paxis=paxis) else: means, esMatrix = self.getStretchTwistModulus(bp, frames=freeDnaFrames, masked=masked, matrix=True) esMatrix = 2.5 * esMatrix # Convert kT to kJ/mol time, array = self.extractGlobalParameters(complexDna, bp, frames=boundDnaFrames, paxis=paxis, masked=masked) # Initialize energy dictionary energyOut = OrderedDict() for key in which: energyOut[key] = [] for i in range(array[0].shape[0]): vec = array[:, i] diff = vec - means for key in which: if self.esType == 'BST': t_energy = self._calcEnergyBendStretchTwist(diff, esMatrix, key) else: t_energy = self._calcEnergyStretchTwist(diff, esMatrix, key) energyOut[key].append(t_energy) for key in which: energyOut[key] = np.asarray(energyOut[key]) # Write output file if outFile is not None: with open(outFile, 'w') as fout: fout.write('#Time') for name in which: fout.write(', {0}'.format(name)) fout.write('\n') for t in range(len(time)): fout.write('{0:.3f}'.format(time[t])) for name in which: fout.write(', {0:.5f}'.format(energyOut[name][t])) fout.write('\n') return time, energyOut
[docs] def _calcEnergyStretchTwist(self, diff, es, which): r"""Calculate energy for ``estype='ST'`` using a difference vector. It is called in :meth:`dnaEY.getGlobalDeformationEnergy` for energy calculation of each frame. Parameters ---------- diff : numpy.ndarray Array of difference between minimum and current parameter values. .. math:: \mathbf{x} = \begin{bmatrix} (L_i - L_0) & (\phi_i - \phi_0) \end{bmatrix} es : numpy.ndarray Elastic matrix. See in :meth:`dnaEY.getStretchTwistModulus` about elastic matrix. which : str For which type of motions, energy will be calculated. See ``which`` parameter in :meth:`dnaEY.getGlobalDeformationEnergy` for keywords. Return ------ energy : float Deformation free energy value """ if which not in self.enGlobalTypes[:5]: raise ValueError('{0} is not a supported energy keywords.\n Use any of the following: \n {1}'.format( which, self.enGlobalTypes[:5])) energy = None if which == 'full': temp = np.matrix(diff) energy = 0.5 * ((temp * es) * temp.T) energy = energy[0,0] if which == 'diag': energy = 0.5 * ((diff[0] ** 2 * es[0][0]) + (diff[1] ** 2 * es[1][1])) if which == 'stretch': energy = 0.5 * (diff[0] ** 2 * es[0][0]) if which == 'twist': energy = 0.5 * (diff[1] ** 2 * es[1][1]) if which == 'st_coupling': energy = 0.5 * (diff[0] * diff[1] * es[0][1]) return energy
[docs] def _calcEnergyBendStretchTwist(self, diff, es, which): r"""Calculate energy for ``esType='BST'`` using a difference vector. It is called in :meth:`dnaEY.getGlobalDeformationEnergy` for energy calculation of each frame. Parameters ---------- diff : numpy.ndarray Array of difference between minimum and current parameter values. .. math:: \mathbf{x} = \begin{bmatrix} (\theta^{x}_{i} - \theta^{x}_0) & (\theta^{y}_{i} - \theta^{y}_0) & (L_i - L_0) & (\phi_i - \phi_0) \end{bmatrix} es : numpy.ndarray Elastic matrix. See in :meth:`dnaEY.getStretchTwistBendModulus` about elastic matrix. which : str For which type of motions, energy will be calculated. see ``which`` parameter in :meth:`dnaEY.getGlobalDeformationEnergy` for keywords. Return ------ energy : float Deformation free energy value """ if which not in self.enGlobalTypes: raise ValueError('{0} is not a supported energy keywords.\n Use any of the following: \n {1}'.format( which, self.enGlobalTypes)) energy = None if which == 'full': temp = np.matrix(diff) energy = 0.5 * ((temp * es) * temp.T) energy = energy[0,0] if which == 'diag': energy = 0.5 * ((diff[0] ** 2 * es[0][0]) + (diff[1] ** 2 * es[1][1]) + (diff[2] ** 2 * es[2][2]) + (diff[3] ** 2 * es[3][3])) if which == 'bend': energy = 0.5 * ((diff[0] ** 2 * es[0][0]) + (diff[1] ** 2 * es[1][1]) + (diff[0] * diff[1] * es[0][1])) if which == 'b1': energy = 0.5 * (diff[0] ** 2 * es[0][0]) if which == 'b2': energy = 0.5 * (diff[1] ** 2 * es[1][1]) if which == 'stretch': energy = 0.5 * (diff[2] ** 2 * es[2][2]) if which == 'twist': energy = 0.5 * (diff[3] ** 2 * es[3][3]) if which == 'st_coupling': energy = 0.5 * (diff[2] * diff[3] * es[2][3]) if which == 'bs_coupling': energy = 0.5 * ((diff[0] * diff[2] * es[0][2]) + (diff[1] * diff[2] * es[1][2])) if which == 'bt_coupling': energy = 0.5 * ((diff[0] * diff[3] * es[0][3]) + (diff[1] * diff[3] * es[1][3])) if which == 'bb_coupling': energy = 0.5 * (diff[0] * diff[1] * es[0][1]) if which == 'st': energy = 0.5 * ((diff[0] ** 2 * es[0][0]) + (diff[1] ** 2 * es[1][1]) + (diff[2] ** 2 * es[2][2]) + (diff[3] ** 2 * es[3][3]) + (diff[2] * diff[3] * es[2][3])) if which == 'bs': energy = 0.5 * ((diff[0] ** 2 * es[0][0]) + (diff[1] ** 2 * es[1][1]) + (diff[2] ** 2 * es[2][2]) + (diff[0] * diff[2] * es[0][2]) + (diff[1] * diff[2] * es[1][2])) if which == 'bt': energy = 0.5 * ((diff[0] ** 2 * es[0][0]) + (diff[1] ** 2 * es[1][1]) + (diff[3] ** 2 * es[3][3]) + (diff[0] * diff[3] * es[0][3]) + (diff[1] * diff[3] * es[1][3])) return energy
[docs] def calculateLocalElasticity(self, bp, frames=None, helical=False, unit='kT'): r"""Calculate local elastic matrix or stiffness matrix for local DNA segment .. note:: Here local DNA segment referred to less than 5 base-pair long. In case of :ref:`base-step-image`: Shift (:math:`Dx`), Slide (:math:`Dy`), Rise (:math:`Dz`), Tilt (:math:`\tau`), Roll (:math:`\rho`) and Twist (:math:`\omega`), following elastic matrix is calculated. .. math:: \mathbf{K}_{base-step} = \begin{bmatrix} K_{Dx} & K_{Dx,Dy} & K_{Dx,Dz} & K_{Dx,\tau} & K_{Dx,\rho} & K_{Dx,\omega} \\ K_{Dx,Dy} & K_{Dy} & K_{Dy,Dz} & K_{Dy,\tau} & K_{Dy,\rho} & K_{Dy,\omega} \\ K_{Dx,Dz} & K_{Dy,Dz} & K_{Dz} & K_{Dz,\tau} & K_{Dz,\rho} & K_{Dz,\omega} \\ K_{Dx,\tau} & K_{Dy,\tau} & K_{Dz,\tau} & K_{\tau} & K_{\tau, \rho} & K_{\tau,\omega} \\ K_{Dx,\rho} & K_{Dy,\rho} & K_{Dz,\rho} & K_{\tau, \rho} & K_{\rho} & K_{\rho,\omega} \\ K_{Dx,\omega} & K_{Dy,\omega} & K_{Dz,\omega} & K_{\tau, \omega} & K_{\rho, \omega} & K_{\omega} \\ \end{bmatrix} In case of :ref:`helical-base-step-image`: x-displacement (:math:`dx`), y-displacement (:math:`dy`), h-rise (:math:`h`), inclination (:math:`\eta`), tip (:math:`\theta`) and twist (:math:`\Omega`), following elastic matrix is calculated. .. math:: \mathbf{K}_{helical-base-step} = \begin{bmatrix} K_{dx} & K_{dx,dy} & K_{dx,h} & K_{dx,\eta} & K_{dx,\theta} & K_{dx,\Omega} \\ K_{dx,dy} & K_{dy} & K_{dy,h} & K_{dy,\eta} & K_{dy,\theta} & K_{dy,\Omega} \\ K_{dx,h} & K_{dy,h} & K_{h} & K_{h,\eta} & K_{h,\theta} & K_{h,\Omega} \\ K_{dx,\eta} & K_{dy,\eta} & K_{h,\eta} & K_{\eta} & K_{\eta, \theta} & K_{\eta,\Omega} \\ K_{dx,\theta} & K_{dy,\theta} & K_{h,\theta} & K_{\eta, \theta} & K_{\theta} & K_{\theta,\Omega} \\ K_{dx,\Omega} & K_{dy,\Omega} & K_{h,\Omega} & K_{\eta, \Omega} & K_{\theta, \Omega} & K_{\Omega} \\ \end{bmatrix} Parameters ---------- bp : list List of two base-steps forming the DNA segment. For example: with ``bp=[5, 50]``, 5-50 base-step segment will be considered. frames : list List of two trajectory frames between which parameters will be extracted. It can be used to select portions of the trajectory. For example, with ``frames=[100, 1000]``, 100th to 1000th frame of the trajectory will be considered. helical : bool If ``helical=True``, elastic matrix for **helical base-step** parameters are calculated. Otherwise, by default, elastic matrix for **base-step** parameters are calculated. unit : str Unit of energy. Allowed units are: ``'kT', 'kJ/mol' and 'kcal/mol'``. Return ------ mean : numpy.ndarray Value of parameters at which energy is zero. Minimum point on energy landscape. if ``helical=False`` .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} Dx_0 & Dy_0 & Dz_0 & \tau_0 & \rho_0 & \omega_0 \end{bmatrix} if ``helical=True`` .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} dx_0 & dy_0 & h_0 & \eta_0 & \theta_0 & \Omega_0 \end{bmatrix} result : numpy.ndarray Elastic matrix. """ acceptedUnit = ['kT', 'kJ/mol', 'kcal/mol'] if unit not in acceptedUnit: raise ValueError(" {0} not accepted. Use any of the following: {1} ".format(unit, acceptedUnit)) frames = self._validateFrames(frames) name = '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-local-{4}'.format(bp[0], bp[1], frames[0], frames[1], int(helical)) if bp[1]-bp[0]+1 > 4: raise ValueError("Selected span {0} is larger than 4, and therefore, not recommended for local elasticity".format(bp[1]-bp[0]+1)) if name not in self.esMatrix: time, array = self.extractLocalParameters(self.dna, bp, helical=helical, frames=frames) mean = np.mean(array, axis = 1) esMatrix = self.getElasticMatrix(array) self.esMatrix[name] = esMatrix self.minimumPoint[name] = mean else: esMatrix = self.esMatrix[name] mean = self.minimumPoint[name] if unit == 'kJ/mol': result = 2.4946938107879997 * esMatrix # (1.38064852e-23 * 300 * 6.023e23 / 1000 ) kT.NA/1000 elif unit == 'kcal/mol': result = 0.5962461306854684 * esMatrix # (1.38064852e-23 * 300 * 6.023e23 / 1000 / 4.184) kT.NA/1000 else: result = esMatrix return mean, result
[docs] def getLocalElasticityByTime(self, bp, frameGap, helical=False, unit='kT', outFile=None): r"""Calculate local elastic properties as a function of time for convergence check It can be used to obtained elastic properties as a function of time. .. note:: Elastic properties cannot be calculated using a single frame because fluctuations are required. Therefore, here time means trajectory between zero time to given time. When ``helical='False'``, following is obtained: 1) Shift (:math:`K_{Dx}`) 2) Slide (:math:`K_{Dy}`) 3) Rise (:math:`K_{Dz}`) 4) Tilt (:math:`K_{\tau}`) 5) Roll (:math:`K_{\rho}`) 6) Twist (:math:`K_{\omega}`) 7) :math:`K_{Dx,Dy}` 8) :math:`K_{Dy,Dz}` 9) :math:`K_{Dz,\tau}` 10) :math:`K_{\tau, \rho}` 11) :math:`K_{\rho,\omega}` 12) :math:`K_{Dx,Dz}` 13) :math:`K_{Dy,\tau}` 14) :math:`K_{Dz,\rho}` 15) :math:`K_{\tau,\omega}` 16) :math:`K_{Dx,\tau}` 17) :math:`K_{Dy,\rho}` 18) :math:`K_{Dz,\omega}` 19) :math:`K_{Dx,\rho}` 20) :math:`K_{Dy,\omega}` 21) :math:`K_{Dx,\omega}` When ``helical='True'``, following is obtained: 1) Shift (:math:`K_{Dx}`) 2) Slide (:math:`K_{Dy}`) 3) Rise (:math:`K_{h}`) 4) Tilt (:math:`K_{\eta}`) 5) Roll (:math:`K_{\theta}`) 6) Twist (:math:`K_{\Omega}`) 7) :math:`K_{dx,dy}` 8) :math:`K_{dy,h}` 9) :math:`K_{h,\eta}` 10) :math:`K_{\eta, \theta}` 11) :math:`K_{\theta,\Omega}` 12) :math:`K_{dx,h}` 13) :math:`K_{dy,\eta}` 14) :math:`K_{h,\theta}` 15) :math:`K_{\tau,\Omega}` 16) :math:`K_{dx,\eta}` 17) :math:`K_{dy,\theta}` 18) :math:`K_{h,\Omega}` 19) :math:`K_{dx,\theta}` 20) :math:`K_{dy,\Omega}` 21) :math:`K_{dx,\Omega}` .. currentmodule:: dnaMD Parameters ---------- bp : list List of two base-steps forming the DNA segment. For example: with ``bp=[5, 50]``, 5-50 base-step segment will be considered. frameGap : int How many frames to skip for next time-frame. Lower the number, slower will be the calculation. helical : bool If ``helical=True``, elastic matrix for **helical base-step** parameters are calculated. Otherwise, by default, elastic matrix for **base-step** parameters are calculated. unit : str Unit of energy. Allowed units are: ``'kT', 'kJ/mol' and 'kcal/mol'``. outFile : str Output file in csv format. Returns ------- time : numpy.ndarray 1D array containing time values of shape (nframes). Elasticities : OrderedDict A ordered dictionary of 1D arrays of shape (nframes). The keys in dictionary are name of the elasticity in the same order as listed above. e.g. ``Elasticities['shift']`` will give elasticity along shift parameters as a function of time. """ if helical: props_name = helical_local_props_vector else: props_name = local_props_vector time, elasticity = [], OrderedDict() for name in props_name: elasticity[name] = [] length = len(self.dna.time[:]) for i in range(frameGap, length, frameGap): mean, esy_t = self.calculateLocalElasticity(bp, frames=[0, i], helical=helical, unit=unit) esy_t = matrixToVector(esy_t) for p in range(len(props_name)): elasticity[props_name[p]].append(esy_t[p]) time.append(self.dna.time[i]) # Write output file if outFile is not None: with open(outFile, 'w') as fout: fout.write('#Time') for name in props_name: fout.write(', {0}'.format(name)) fout.write('\n') for t in range(len(time)): fout.write('{0:.3f}'.format(time[t])) for name in props_name: fout.write(', {0:.5f}'.format(elasticity[name][t])) fout.write('\n') return time, elasticity
[docs] def calculateLocalElasticitySegments(self, bp, span=2, frameGap=None, helical=False, unit='kT', err_type='block', tool='gmx analyze', outFile=None): """Calculate local elastic properties of consecutive overlapped DNA segments Calculate local elastic properties of consecutive overlapped DNA segments of length given by `span`. Parameters ---------- bp : list List of two base-steps forming the global DNA segment. For example: with ``bp=[5, 50]``, 5-50 base-step segment will be considered. span : int Length of overlapping (local) DNA segments. It should be less than four. frameGap : int How many frames to skip for next time-frame. Lower the number, slower will be the calculation. helical : bool If ``helical=True``, elastic matrix for **helical base-step** parameters are calculated. Otherwise, by default, elastic matrix for **base-step** parameters are calculated. unit : str Unit of energy. Allowed units are: ``'kT', 'kJ/mol' and 'kcal/mol'``. err_type : str Error estimation by autocorrelation method ``err_type='acf'`` or block averaging method ``err_type='block'`` tool : str GROMACS tool to calculate error. In older versions it is `g_analyze` while in newer versions (above 2016) it is `gmx analyze`. outFile : str Output file in csv format. Returns ------- segments : list list of DNA segments for which local elastic properties was calculated. elasticities : OrderedDict A ordered dictionary of 1D arrays of shape (segments). The keys in dictionary are name of the elasticity in the same order as listed above. error : OrderedDict A ordered dictionary of 1D arrays of shape (segments). The keys in dictionary are name of the elasticity in the same order as listed above.. """ if helical: props_name = helical_local_props_vector else: props_name = local_props_vector segments, errors, elasticities = [], OrderedDict(), OrderedDict() for name in props_name: elasticities[name] = [] errors[name] = [] for s in range(bp[0], bp[1]): if s+span-1 > bp[1]: break time, elasticity_t = self.getLocalElasticityByTime([s, s+span-1], frameGap=frameGap, helical=helical, unit=unit) error_t = dnaMD.get_error(time, list(elasticity_t.values()), len(props_name), err_type=err_type, tool=tool) for i in range(len(props_name)): esy_t = elasticity_t[props_name[i]][-1] # only take last entry elasticities[props_name[i]].append(esy_t) errors[props_name[i]].append(error_t[i]) segments.append('{0}-{1}'.format(s, s+span-1)) # Write output file if outFile is not None: with open(outFile, 'w') as fout: fout.write('#bps') for name in props_name: fout.write(', {0}, {0}-error'.format(name)) fout.write('\n') for s in range(len(segments)): fout.write('{0}'.format(segments[s])) for name in props_name: fout.write(', {0:.5f}, {1:.5f}'.format(elasticities[name][s], errors[name][s])) fout.write('\n') return segments, elasticities, errors
[docs] def getLocalDeformationEnergy(self, bp, complexDna, freeDnaFrames=None, boundDnaFrames=None, helical=False, unit='kT', which='all', outFile=None): r"""Deformation energy of the input DNA using local elastic properties The deformation energy of a base-step/s for probe DNA object with reference to the same base-step/s DNA present in the current DNA object. The deformation free energy is calculated using elastic matrix as follows .. math:: G = \frac{1}{2}\mathbf{xKx^T} When ``helical='False'`` .. math:: \mathbf{K} = \mathbf{K}_{base-step} .. math:: \mathbf{x} = \begin{bmatrix} (Dx_{i}-Dx_0) & (Dy_i - Dy_0) & (Dz_i - Dz_0) & (\tau_i - \tau_0) & (\rho_i - \rho_0) & (\omega_i - \omega_0) \end{bmatrix} When ``helical='True'`` .. math:: \mathbf{K} = \mathbf{K}_{helical-base-step} .. math:: \mathbf{x} = \begin{bmatrix} (dx_{i}-dx_0) & (dy_i - dy_0) & (h_i - h_0) & (\eta_i - \eta_0) & (\theta_i - \theta_0) & (\Omega_i - \Omega_0) \end{bmatrix} .. currentmodule:: dnaMD Parameters ---------- bp : list List of two base-steps forming the DNA segment. For example: with ``bp=[5, 50]``, 5-50 base-step segment will be considered. complexDna : :class:`dnaMD.DNA` Input :class:`dnaMD.DNA` instance for which deformation energy will be calculated. freeDnaFrames : list To select a trajectory segment of current (free) DNA data. List of two trajectory frames between which parameters will be extracted. It can be used to select portions of the trajectory. For example, with ``frames=[100, 1000]``, 100th to 1000th frame of the trajectory will be considered. boundDnaFrames : list To select a trajectory segment of input (bound) DNA data. List of two trajectory frames between which parameters will be extracted. It can be used to select portions of the trajectory. For example, with ``frames=[100, 1000]``, 100th to 1000th frame of the trajectory will be considered. helical : bool If ``helical=True``, elastic matrix for **helical base-step** parameters are calculated. Otherwise, by default, elastic matrix for **base-step** parameters are calculated. unit : str Unit of energy. Allowed units are: ``'kT', 'kJ/mol' and 'kcal/mol'``. which : str or list For which motions (degrees of freedom), energy should be calculated. It should be either a list containing terms listed below or"all" for all energy terms. Following keywords are available: * ``'full'`` : Use entire elastic matrix -- all parameters with their coupling * ``'diag'`` : Use diagonal of elastic matrix -- all motions but no coupling * ``'shift'`` or ``'x-disp'`` * ``'slide'`` or ``'y-idsp'`` * ``'rise'`` or ``'h-rise'`` * ``'tilt'`` or ``'inclination'`` * ``'roll'`` or ``'tip'`` * ``'twist'`` or ``'h-twist'`` outFile : str Output file in csv format. Returns ------- time : numpy.ndarray 1D array containing time values. energy : dict of numpy.ndarray Dictionary of 1D array of shape (nframes) containing energy terms requested for DNA. """ if helical: energyTerms = ['full', 'diag', 'x-disp', 'y-disp', 'h-rise', 'inclination', 'tip', 'h-twist'] else: energyTerms = ['full', 'diag', 'shift', 'slide', 'rise', 'tilt', 'roll', 'twist'] if isinstance(which, str): if which != 'all': raise ValueError('Either use "all" or use list of terms from this {0} list \n.'.format(energyTerms)) else: which = energyTerms elif isinstance(which, list): for key in which: if key not in energyTerms: raise ValueError('{0} is not a supported keyword.\n Use from the following list: \n{1}'.format( which, energyTerms)) else: raise ValueError('Either use "all" or use list of terms from this {0} list \n.'.format(energyTerms)) means, esMatrix = self.calculateLocalElasticity(bp, frames=freeDnaFrames, helical=helical, unit=unit) time, array = self.extractLocalParameters(complexDna, bp, frames=boundDnaFrames, helical=helical) # Initialize energy dictionary energyOut = OrderedDict() for key in which: energyOut[key] = [] for i in range(array[0].shape[0]): vec = array[:, i] diff = vec - means for key in which: t_energy = self._calcLocalEnergy(diff, esMatrix, key) energyOut[key].append(t_energy) for key in which: energyOut[key] = np.asarray(energyOut[key]) # Write output file if outFile is not None: with open(outFile, 'w') as fout: fout.write('#Time') for name in which: fout.write(', {0}'.format(name)) fout.write('\n') for t in range(len(time)): fout.write('{0:.3f}'.format(time[t])) for name in which: fout.write(', {0:.5f}'.format(energyOut[name][t])) fout.write('\n') return time, energyOut
[docs] def getLocalDeformationEnergySegments(self, bp, complexDna, span=2, freeDnaFrames=None, boundDnaFrames=None, helical=False, unit='kT', which='all', err_type='block', tool='gmx analyze', outFile=None): r"""Deformation energy of the consecutive overlapped DNA segments It can be used to calculate deformation energy of several base-step/s from input DNA object with reference to the same base-step/s DNA present in the current DNA object. For local deformation energy calculation see :meth:`dnaEY.getLocalDeformationEnergy`. Parameters ---------- bp : list List of two base-steps forming the DNA segment. For example: with ``bp=[5, 50]``, 5-50 base-step segment will be considered. span : int Length of overlapping (local) DNA segments. It should be less than four. complexDna : :class:`dnaMD.DNA` Input :class:`dnaMD.DNA` instance for which deformation energy will be calculated. freeDnaFrames : list To select a trajectory segment of current (free) DNA data. List of two trajectory frames between which parameters will be extracted. It can be used to select portions of the trajectory. For example, with ``frames=[100, 1000]``, 100th to 1000th frame of the trajectory will be considered. boundDnaFrames : list To select a trajectory segment of input (bound) DNA data. List of two trajectory frames between which parameters will be extracted. It can be used to select portions of the trajectory. For example, with ``frames=[100, 1000]``, 100th to 1000th frame of the trajectory will be considered. helical : bool If ``helical=True``, elastic matrix for **helical base-step** parameters are calculated. Otherwise, by default, elastic matrix for **base-step** parameters are calculated. unit : str Unit of energy. Allowed units are: ``'kT', 'kJ/mol' and 'kcal/mol'``. which : str or list For which motions (degrees of freedom), energy should be calculated. It should be either a list containing terms listed below or "all" for all energy terms. Following keywords are available: * ``'full'`` : Use entire elastic matrix -- all parameters with their coupling * ``'diag'`` : Use diagonal of elastic matrix -- all motions but no coupling * ``'shift'`` or ``'x-disp'`` * ``'slide'`` or ``'y-idsp'`` * ``'rise'`` or ``'h-rise'`` * ``'tilt'`` or ``'inclination'`` * ``'roll'`` or ``'tip'`` * ``'twist'`` or ``'h-twist'`` err_type : str Error estimation by autocorrelation method ``err_type='acf'`` or block averaging method ``err_type='block'`` tool : str GROMACS tool to calculate error. In older versions it is `g_analyze` while in newer versions (above 2016) it is `gmx analyze`. outFile : str Output file in csv format. Returns ------- segments : list list of DNA segments for which local deformation energy was calculated. energies : dict of numpy.ndarray Dictionary of 1D array of shape (segments) containing energy terms requested for DNA. error : OrderedDict A ordered dictionary of 1D arrays of shape (segments). The keys in dictionary are energy-terms in the same order as listed above.. """ if helical: energyTerms = ['full', 'diag', 'x-disp', 'y-disp', 'h-rise', 'inclination', 'tip', 'h-twist'] else: energyTerms = ['full', 'diag', 'shift', 'slide', 'rise', 'tilt', 'roll', 'twist'] if isinstance(which, str): if which != 'all': raise ValueError('Either use "all" or use list of terms from this {0} list \n.'.format(energyTerms)) else: which = energyTerms elif isinstance(which, list): for key in which: if key not in energyTerms: raise ValueError('{0} is not a supported keyword.\n Use from the following list: \n{1}'.format( which, energyTerms)) else: raise ValueError('Either use "all" or use list of terms from this {0} list \n.'.format(energyTerms)) segments, errors, energies = [], OrderedDict(), OrderedDict() for name in which: energies[name] = [] errors[name] = [] for s in range(bp[0], bp[1]): if s+span-1 > bp[1]: break time, energy_t = self.getLocalDeformationEnergy([s, s+span-1], complexDna, freeDnaFrames=freeDnaFrames, boundDnaFrames=boundDnaFrames, helical=helical, unit=unit, which=which) error_t = dnaMD.get_error(time, list(energy_t.values()), len(which), err_type=err_type, tool=tool) for i in range(len(which)): en_t = np.mean(energy_t[which[i]]) # Calculate average energies[which[i]].append(en_t) errors[which[i]].append(error_t[i]) segments.append('{0}-{1}'.format(s, s+span-1)) # Write output file if outFile is not None: with open(outFile, 'w') as fout: fout.write('#bps') for name in which: fout.write(', {0}, {0}-error'.format(name)) fout.write('\n') for s in range(len(segments)): fout.write('{0}'.format(segments[s])) for name in which: fout.write(', {0:.5f}, {1:.5f}'.format(energies[name][s], errors[name][s])) fout.write('\n') return segments, energies, errors
[docs] def _calcLocalEnergy(self, diff, es, which): r"""Calculate local deformation energy using a difference vector. It is called in :meth:`dnaEY.getLocalDeformationEnergy` for energy calculation of each frame. Parameters ---------- diff : numpy.ndarray Array of difference between minimum and current parameter values. es : numpy.ndarray Elastic matrix. See in :meth:`dnaEY.calculateLocalElasticity` about elastic matrix. which : str For which type of motions, energy will be calculated. see ``which`` parameter in :meth:`dnaEY.getLocalDeformationEnergy` for keywords. Return ------ energy : float Deformation free energy value """ if which not in self.enLocalTypes: raise ValueError('{0} is not a supported energy keywords.\n Use any of the following: \n {1}'.format( which, self.enLocalTypes)) energy = None if which == 'full': temp = np.matrix(diff) energy = 0.5 * ((temp * es) * temp.T) energy = energy[0,0] if which == 'diag': energy = 0.5 * ((diff[0] ** 2 * es[0][0]) + (diff[1] ** 2 * es[1][1]) + (diff[2] ** 2 * es[2][2]) + (diff[3] ** 2 * es[3][3]) + (diff[4] ** 2 * es[4][4]) + (diff[5] ** 2 * es[5][5])) if which == 'shift' or which == 'x-disp': energy = 0.5 * (diff[0] ** 2 * es[0][0]) if which == 'slide' or which == 'y-disp': energy = 0.5 * (diff[1] ** 2 * es[1][1]) if which == 'rise' or which == 'h-rise': energy = 0.5 * (diff[2] ** 2 * es[2][2]) if which == 'tilt' or which == 'inclination': energy = 0.5 * (diff[3] ** 2 * es[3][3]) if which == 'roll' or which == 'tip': energy = 0.5 * (diff[4] ** 2 * es[4][4]) if which == 'twist' or which == 'h-twist': energy = 0.5 * (diff[5] ** 2 * es[5][5]) return energy